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Dr. Arora's Recommendations

  1. IBgard (48 capsules, Pack of 1)      IBgard (48 capsules, Pack of 3)

  2. Heather's Tummy Teas

  3. Align

  4. Squatty Potty

  5. FDgard

  6. Benefiber

  7. Preparation H

  8. Fleet enema

  9. Sitz Bath

  10. Miralax

  11. Lotrimin

  12. Desitin

  13. Atrantil

  14. Prilosec

  15. Zegerid

  16. Imodium

  17. Anal self-dilators

  18. "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" book

  19. Nexium

  20. Pepcid

  21. Glycerin suppositories



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